Gianfranco Minutolo
Gianluigi Torzi
Thinking Outside the Box
The emergency turns into a national and individual opportunity, the lockdown has allowed our minds to move
Nicola Attico
Blockchain Ecosystem
Blockchain is an extraordinary technology that is revealing a surprising transformative power impacting all the industries
Beppe Carrella
Hamlet. Leader without Leadership
Hamlet is the epitome of the chronically undecided, who has made procrastination, indecisiveness and therefore
Marco Boschele
The Political Implications of Scientific Knowledge. EU Funded Policy Research and Immigration Policies in Italy
The work to assess the impact of EU funded research on both, social science policy research and the policy making process at national level.
Beppe Carrella
Don Quixote. The leadership of near-win
We too might become the heroes of the story, one failure after the other. Uphold our ideals when everything around us is falling apart. Take our talent into our own hands. And well, to quote Will Eisner, it doesn’t matter whether Don Quixote truly existed, what matters is that his dream did. Foreword by Cristina Koch.
Beppe Carrella
Pinocchio. Leadership without Lies
Leadership is made of and is told through stories about great universal values which, however, we prove to lack in our communal everyday life
Silvia Longhi
The book of answers in rhyme
The Book of Answers in Rhyme will bring a smile to your face and maybe even gently, but resolutely, show you the path to take
Danilo Broggi
Ship’s Log
This book is drawn from a collection of articles that first appeared in the «Smart thinking» column of Longitude
Roberta Melchiorre e Fabio Bertino